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The very 1st piece of Hong Kong Wall

Mixed media

Art commissioned by Goethe-Insitut Hong Kong


When the Hong Kong government suggested the new national education

policy on 2012, over a hundred and twenty thousand Hongkonger

showed objection to this profound educational change. Protester

surrounded Hong Kong central government complex and gathered right in

front of the main entrance of the building for days until the government

changed their mind. One of my friend who participated in this protest given

me a black, cold brick, which was taken down from the complex as a gift.

Two years later, twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, The Umbrella

movement took place at the same place. Boulevards around the central

government complex were completely occupied by democracy protesters

for more than two weeks (up to the time of the exhibition, the occupation lasted for 79 days eventually). The fall of the Berlin Wall resembles freedom and took down the iron curtain. But in Hong Kong, a high wall was raised to stand against democracy. Hong Konger might struggle with that for a long time under the invisible wall.

The work will be completed by powdering the brick with audiences and this

“Very 1st piece of Hong Kong Wall” will be gifted to Goethe-Institut.

Public engagement
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